● Materials: /
● Tools: /
● Participants: min. 3
● Location: indoor + outdoor
● Duration: /
One participant (A) starts to use their hands and body to shape an imaginary piece of clay in the air. Everybody mimics their gestures. At one point, A passes on the modeled clay to another participant (B). Doing so, A thinks of and vocalises a small phrase. B takes the clay and reacts to the phrase. After, B starts reshaping the clay, while the rest of the participants mimic their movement. Then B passes the clay to another participant (C) while voicing another phrase. C reacts and all other participants start to mimic again. Possible phrases to start with are “let me hand you a piece of brightly glowing sun”, “I am passing to you what hurts me inside”, and “take care, this grows quickly in faithful hands”.