● Materials: /
● Tools: /
● Participants: min. 5
● Location: indoor + outdoor
● Duration: /
Choose a mediator and stand in a circle of at least five people, big enough to see each other. Now, the mediator holds an imaginary apple in their hands and establishes active eye contact with a participant (B). Then, the mediator utters the colour red and throws the apple to B. B catches the red apple and repeats the same procedure with another participant (C). Once all participants manage to establish a satisfyingly rhythmic and fluid pace of passing on the red apple without major interruptions, the mediator can throw in another apple, this time a green one. Now both the green and the red apples are passed on within the circle at the same time. More apples can be thrown in the mix. One participant can hold up to two apples at the same time. Increasing speed makes the exercise more challenging.