● Materials: /
● Tools: /
● Participants: min. 5
● Location: indoor + outdoor
● Duration: /
Stand in a circle of at least five people, big enough to freely stretch out your arms sideways. One participant raises both arms above their head in a vertical energetic motion, uttering a loud: ‘HUH’. At that moment, the participants on either side of that person stretch out their arms in a horizontal motion towards the participant standing between them uttering a similarly loud ‘HEY’. Now the participant in the middle lowers their hands, pointing at another participant in the circle. Immediately, the chosen participant raises their hands energetically, thereby repeating the procedure and passing on the impulse around the participants. This continues until a participant makes a mistake. When a participant makes a mistake they knock their fists on their chest and fall on the floor with a loud ‘HAH’. Everyone applauds. The participant stands up again and initiates the next round.