In the course of our meetings, we have been developing a range of instruction-based exercises for groups and individuals to be carried out both online and in physical proximity. These exercises have supported our ongoing activities, stimulated our senses, and encouraged us to investigate embodied ways of relating to each other and the spaces we have been meeting in.
In order to share and test these exercises with a wider audience, we developed a screen-printed, hand-sewn and square-shaped textile piece featuring a diverse selection of instructions. The malleability of its woven fabric allows the piece to be utilised as either a wearable, a publication, or a container of some sort. It is in the hands and around the bodies of its users that it unfolds its contextual significance. Doing so, the piece exceeds both the written and spoken language of the printed word to become a carrier-bag for stories yet to be told.
The first edition of the textile piece was presented as part of our para-academic classroom during the Rietveld Graduation Show. During this event, the textile piece served us as a tool to contact, encounter, and connect with the other. Since most pieces were gifted to participants engaging with our connected public program, we plan on producing a second edition in the future. If you are interested in receiving a textile piece yourself, drop us a line.